I Think The Second Movement Has Too Many Violins
I'm counseling people online and I've discovered that everyone in America is an idiot. This is not my favorite thing in the world. I need to get a job with less public contact.
I had a minor setback on the whole not-getting-so-fat-I-need-a-Rascal situation when I sat here and ate all of the Kit-Kats I had out for clients. I have no impulse control. Now I have a headache from all the chocolate.
I'm apparently going to Chicago tomorrow? That's a little insane.
I really want to go home right now, but I don't think I can get away with it.
I sleep and sleep and it's never enough.
My hip has mostly stopped hurting. Possibly it's the absolute handfuls of ibuprofen I've been ingesting since Monday.
Oh my God I just want to GET OUT OF HERE. Out of the Cities, out of my office, away from my cat that never stops yelling, away from the horribly long bus commutes full of people who smell funny or stare at me or ask me if I'm pregnant when it turns out I'm just fat. I'm going to disappear into a crowd of hopeless hipsters this weekend and I'm pretty excited about that.
P.S. Even though my cat never stops yelling, he's awfully good at kitty snuggles.