Wednesday, July 16, 2008

In My Heart I Am Awkward

Current Song: "Song For Clay (Disappear Here)" -- Bloc Party

This morning is already incredibly annoying. I hopped on the wrong bus (67 vs. 62) to get from downtown to my office this morning. The bus I was on was going in the right direction and I knew passed my stop, so I figured I was alright. Approaching my usual stop, I pulled the stop cord and the bright "Stop Requested" sign at the front lit up. The bus, however, doesn't stop there because it turns at that intersection, so I figured hey, I'll get off at the next stop. Meanwhile the bus driver is getting chatted up by some fat kid that used the phrase "chillin' like a villain" non-ironically. Then:

Bus Driver: [blows past three stops without even slowing down]
Me: [starting to panic] Hey, do you stop at any of these stops?
BD: [looks up at the clearly lit Stop Requested sign, then back at me] What?
Me: [losing patience] I SAID, do you stop. At any. Of these stops.
BD: [in a high-pitched and injured tone] Well, yeah, if there's somebody at 'em.

I did not say "So the Stop Requested sign is just for decoration, then?" I did not say "Maybe you should pay attention to your job instead of this fat kid." I did, however, request to get off the bus, and then call her a moron as I was exiting. Because, in my heart, I am both a coward and a stuck-up bitch.

Anyway, then I had to hike most of a mile back to my office in flip-flops. And I don't know if you were out at 8:00 AM, but it is damned humid this morning. At least I made it before the rain comes.


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