We're Hummingbirds Who Lost the Plot
1) There is a bakery tin full of fruit peel sitting by the trash bin in my room.
2) At some point today I wrote this note on the back of my hand with a Bic pen:
"Do your taxes soon, n'est-ce pas?"
I chewed on one of my hangnails until it became an emergency.
You'd be proud of me, I finally went grocery shopping. It became what some people would term "dire" when I ran out of peanut butter yesterday. Here is a list of all the food I ate between Monday at about 8:00 PM and 6:30 PM tonight:
*2 slices of multigrain bread
*about 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
*about 2 tablespoons of honey
*a Ziploc sandwich bag full of Cheezits
That's it. That's not a good sign. The point is, you can stop worrying because I just bought an enormous amount of fruit, vegetables, and grains at the Midway Rainbow. Healthy and delicious.
I have to write a paper and instead I'm writing to you about food and watching the Wild hockey game. There's very little that I do that's not a mistake.
I've set the high-school-style dating game in motion, or I would, if Mutual Friend would get off his ass and make some phone calls. Steps have been taken on my part, and that's the best I can do for now.