She Said She's Thinking Of Jumping
I can't stop crying about this song, and that sums up how my day is going.
I got into a bad car situation last night where I had to sit on somebody's lap -- I haven't sat on anyone's lap in years, because I am visibly as fat as the Queen of Sea Cows and don't need to prove it physically as well. There was nothing to be done on this one but I was stressed out about it so I was trying to casually support all my weight on one ankle and one arm and the point of this story is that I'm sore today because of the unnatural position that put me in. In retrospect I shouldn't have even been in the car.
I got pretty drunk at Big 10's Ladies Night/Bar Trivia last night and now I have a headache and all I want to do is lie down, which is impossible given the space allotted to me in my office. I could crawl under my desk, I guess, but that seems like it would only raise more problems. I think I'm just going to go home anyway. I only worked four days out of this pay period (counting today) so who cares if I drop a couple more hours? Nobody's here but me anyway, the phone hasn't rung all day and I got a record total of zero emails today.
I need to take some action to fix the things I am unhappy with. I was so sublimely happy every day on my vacation because I successfully ran away from my problems, but the problem with running away is that it's not a permanent solution. I had to come back, you see. And here they were waiting, lined up with their shining faces greeting me every day, smiling with pointed teeth.