Friday, October 17, 2008

I'd Rather Be Killing Commies

Current Song: "All Fires" -- Swan Lake

My father called to start a fight with me about politics today. He wanted me to know that Obama's tax policies are legislating Socialism and the country is going to be Red before we know it. I told him that I'm sitting here in slippers and a sweatshirt because I can't afford to pay my heat and that I'm having a little trouble feeling sorry for Joe the Plumber and his desire not to lose any of his $250k per year. He countered that he absolutely does not believe in taking money from people who've been successful and giving it to people that haven't. I said that I am of the belief that sometimes, people haven't been successful through no fault of their own. He said he didn't believe that about most people. I said he should believe it about me. That shut him up right good. Republicans.


Blogger Jena said...

ha ha ha! whenever he brings up politics I just stare like i don't know what he's talking about and nod.

1:49 PM  

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