Monday, October 13, 2008

And By All Accounts You Really Should Have Died

Current Song: "Rebellion (Lies)" -- Arcade Fire

It's grossly humid and I'm about to try to go to sleep, so that's going well.

I've been doing very little in the past three or four days but gather, update and refine content for Cynical Bastards. It's really kind of ridiculously fun. I've been delving into all sorts of Crazy, like a guy in the Deep South that runs an Alien museum, and a woman who spent four months on the planet Meton and gave birth to an alien baby named Ayling. And that's just in the "UFO Nuts" section. My personal favorite right now is the guy who utterly, firmly believes that John Lennon was assassinated by Stephen King. The fun part is that I screen everything carefully to make sure it is written by BELIEVERS and not MOCKERS. Mocking is where I come in.

My boy cat is sexually frustrated and keeps trying to mount the other boy cat. And yells a lot, which is really uncool. I can't afford to get him fixed because I'm dead broke and I had to pay another student loan today which means now I'm in serious, serious trouble. So I research Crazies on the internet to take my mind off it, and to kill time until someone offers me a job.

Somebody remind me, I have to take the trash out tomorrow. Seriously.


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