Wednesday, December 03, 2008

When The Conductor Fucks Up

Current Song: "Gimme Shelter" -- The Rolling Stones

Rock Band is so much fun, it's ridiculous. Especially when Greg is singing. We all laughed so hard we cried.

I had two phone calls to make today and I failed at both. I should call Dennis right now since his question could be answered through voicemail.

There, that's done. I just have to remember to call whoever it was for the other call tomorrow.

I'm hungry. I have a lot of chocolate but binging on chocolate is not good for me and my heart rate. I don't want to make anything complicated, though, so I'm not sure what I'll do. Snack on Cheez-Its, probably.

I had another one of those intensely vivid dreams that has a reasonably logical plotline and fully developed characters and a story arc and everything. This one involved a sadistic billionaire, a super-secret elite island resort, and auditions for the resort's showgirls that were to the death. As in, if you didn't make the cut, they murdered you, because you knew too much. And they kept you there against your will until the auditions were over. It was like a really fucked up reality show but with more murder and dramatic rescues and super creepy billionaire masterminds. Anyway, I remembered it all when I woke up but all I have is the shadows of it now. I wish there was some way to record dreams as they were happening, because I could squeeze some pretty fucking awesome commercial movie scripts out of mine.

Also the spell-check for Blogger indicates to me that "plotline" is not a real word. I call bullshit on this.


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