Saturday, October 04, 2008

He Was A Handsome Guy

Current Song: "The Mercy Seat" -- Johnny Cash

I don't have enough food and I'm too broke to keep ordering delivery and I'm too lazy to take a shower so I can go to the grocery store. Not that I can afford food there, either. I should check out those grocery delivery places. Except Simon Delivers went under and I'm not sure who else is out there.

I weighed myself yesterday and it turns out I'm a whale, so that's great. That's just great. Probably all the laying around I do. And the snacking. And the cookie dough. I need a job.

It got down in the 40s last night so I had to get up and shut the windows. I love the fall.

Also I found out our smoke alarm works last night while I was broiling salmon. Apparently this was kicking up some invisible smoke because I didn't see it or smell it, but the alarm sure did. It was about 9:00 PM and I was gravely concerned my landlord was going to come down and yell at me for waking the baby. Especially since the alarm went off about six times before the salmon was done. Especially because I was wearing short shorts and no bra, so I was not in a good place to have a conversation with Karl. I'm fairly sure we haven't really spoken since he drove out to Uptown at one in the morning to pick my drunk ass up. Awkward.


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