Friday, March 21, 2008

You Look Just Like My Father

Current Song: Some song in the MacBook Air commercial. Sounds like it's by Regina Spektor?

I manned up and crossed the street to get some burritos, with which I proceeded to stuff my feelings. Now I have heartburn. So today's been win/win.

I took the direct approach with the last person left in my dating life that didn't need a swift kick in the face. He unfortunately took the direct approach with me as well, so it's back to single-with-no-prospects for me. At least I know this terrain.

When I get depressed it's not so much that I want to die or wish I'd never been born as it's that I want to obliterate myself and the memory of myself from the earth one piece at a time. So I always get the urge to, say, shave my head, cancel all my email/social networking accounts, stop speaking and buy a bus ticket to nowhere. It's why I so often find myself traveling without having told anyone I was leaving. I'm trying to run away from my own existence.

I don't think I can wait anymore, I need decisions now.


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