Monday, April 02, 2007

Try To Run But It Follows You Up A Hill

I tried all day to finish my homework but all I wanted to do was nap and stare at the TV. I made it through two of the three assignments and I got the sources for the last one, but then I just had to let it go.

I'm continuing to have the chest pain. I woke up hung over very early this morning and I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. I'm pretty tired of this whole thing.

I'm watching Adult Swim because I have no cultural relevance. And also no time management skills. Space Ghost is boring and most of these shows I would have to be high to appreciate at all.

This is the most boring weblog on the internet. I'm pretty tempted to tear the hit counter off the page so I can't see how many people I'm wasting the time of.


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