Monday, March 05, 2007

Basilisk: The Scorpion King

I'm trying to get distance and then you come right out and say something I've needed you to say for years. Tailspin, tailspin, tailspin.

It's midterms week and I have midterms in the two classes in which I have completely and utterly dropped the ball. In one of them I haven't done any of the reading at all, and the midterm requires us to cite our sources. The good news on that one is that it's only worth about 15% of our grade, and I've been doing fine on the assignments so I should be alright. Unfortunately, the other class is one that I've neither attended on a regular basis nor ever bought the book for. I think I may just up and fail on that one. Oops.

On the plus side, I wrote the majority of my paper that's due on Wednesday tonight. I kept my head down and powered through even when I had the writer's block, which is unlike me. So today wasn't a total wash. I also cleaned the bathroom but that was more about procrastination than productivity.

Once again I'm having chest pains. Makenzi suggested that I might have asthma. I think I'm just losing my mind.

Last night I went to Chad's and drank Killian's Irish Red and watched season 2 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, so I'm pretty sure I had a better night than you.


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