Wednesday, April 04, 2007

"Ourselves" Vs. "Other" Can Cram It With Walnuts

I've basically had to write the same paper like six times in my college career. It's about exploring the ideas of "race" and "whiteness" and "ethnicity" and the ambiguous boundaries and societal constructs of those things. I'm not even citing sources anymore, I'm just coughing up the same story about the Potato Famine Irish immigrants earning a place as "white people" by attacking black people. To be fair, I always love writing about boundary ambiguity and saying things like "boundary brokering" and "cognitive dissonance." It's the kind of buzzword-spewing I can really get behind, sort of like how the kids in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature like to shout crap like "critical discourse" and "Michel Foucault." But I am a little tired about having to consider "whiteness" as a social construct. I've considered it; it is; let's move on.


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