Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm Mad As Hell And I Etc.

Current Activity: Watching the local news.

In these hard and exceptionally cold times, everyone talks about shelters as though there are big empty rooms full of warmth and clean mattresses and staff just wondering where everybody is, while those wacky homeless folks break into abandoned and foreclosed homes and light fires or turn on the heat. This makes me blind with rage. Shelters are full, KARE-11 news, and unbelievably dangerous. Understaffed. Underfunded. It's a cold snap (it's -55 tonight in Northern Minnesota) and you act like, "Those nutty homeless folks! They're breaking into this and that and all they have to do is go to a shelter!" Spend a few nights in a shelter, incognito, KARE-11. Find out why some people will die of hypothermia or burn to death in an uncontrolled fire before they go there. Find out how many people desperately plead to go there and are turned away because they're too drunk, too gay, or too late. It happens every goddamn day in this country and I'm sick as fuck of rich white people patting the heads of the homeless and crazy and saying shit like, "There was help, you just didn't use it." Fuck that and fuck you. Try living a life that isn't yours once in a while.


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