Monday, January 19, 2009

If I Just Turn And Run

Current Song: "Woke Up This Morning" -- A3

I'm still on the hunt for the first-person version of this song.

I went grocery shopping with food stamps (in actuality, a food stamp debit card) today for the first time. It was great, I got $60 worth of groceries and didn't have to pay for any of it. Then I had bread with hummus and blueberries for lunch and baked eggplant with almonds for dinner. Food I want for free? I love this idea.

Boys I know are sending me huge red flags lately and I don't need it. I think they should be grateful I'm even talking to them at all, given that they're boys and I'm me.

Speaking of me being me, I'm wearing a t-shirt that says "Fashion is not a luxury" right now. I got it for free, obviously. I find it funny, especially that I'm wearing it with relatively designer jeans, layered shirts from Target, and socks I inherited from Lila's late grandfather. I'm a damn fashion icon.

I was flipping through Pundit Kitchen on the I Can Has Cheezburger network (it might be, but I'm not sure) and I realized that I am attracted to Vladimir Putin. I think it's part of my raging power & authority thing. Like how I think bulletproof vests are really hot. Plus the icy emotional distance and the fact that he's evil and therefore totally off


Blogger Jena said...

he is staring into my soul! must...resist...dark side....

2:44 PM  

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