Saturday, August 23, 2008

Producing Apports By A Wave Of The Hand

Current Song: "Dinner Bells" -- Wolf Parade

I have a huge gubernatorial crush on Joe Biden and his selection as Obama's running mate is basically a sexy political dream come true. Also Joe Biden completely lacks any sense of tact or appropriate editing for an audience, and is basically totally unelectable, except through some sort of freak phenomenon he's been in Congress for years. And he's got ABSOLUTE LOADS of foreign policy experience, for all you jackasses who think Obama is too inexperienced. Also, fuck you. That is Official Democratic Policy. Trust me, I speak for everyone here.

I get the creeping feeling my landlord just appeared on the porch to talk to Meredith again. While utterly ignoring me, still. I don't know if he realizes how creepy that is, but we sure do.

All three of my kitties conspired to keep me napping until about 5:00 PM today because they refused to give up their plan of snuggling me to death.

Also my birthday party = rock. Except our waitress sucked, but that's emerged as a pattern on my birthdays.

I am going to have to find another job. It's a whole thing and it's very depressing and sort of affecting me in a bad way, but whatever, we'll get through this.


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