Friday, April 13, 2007

O Absalom, Absalom, My Son, My Son

The CSI that's on involves finding a body in a meat grinder, and it's just as nutritious as it sounds.

I'm going to the Queer Student Cultural Center's big gay drag show/dance tonight with Lila, and then hitting up lesbian night at the Kitty Kat Klub, which I've been promising to do for a good two years. We're going in costume, because how could we not, really?

I took some Midol, which is caffeinated, because I won't learn a lesson until I go into full fibrillation. If the next time you see me I'm on the ground clutching my arm and my lips are turning blue, I'd recommend telling the paramedics this story.

I told my mom I was taking a class that allows me to see cadaver dissections and she replied "Gross...I'd totally go if I were you." My mom makes me laugh.


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