Sunday, March 11, 2007

We're Here, We're Queer, We Don't Want Any More Bears

Apparently when I post my plans here, that pretty much guarantees I won't get around to accomplishing them. I made it to Nye's--when we didn't have a table after nearly an hour and a half, I left, decided tonight was not the night for the lesbian bar, and came home to talk to Susan for four hours. The take-home message from our conversation: Americans have trouble grasping the concept that they can NEVER get what they want, which is why so many girls fall in love with gay men.

Remember that Spring Break a couple years ago when I celebrated not having class by eating 26 Krispy Kreme donuts in two days? You probably don't realize it but I've lost a lot of weight since then. On the other hand, I would really enjoy some Krispy Kremes.

I have so many bills to pay and so many things to buy. The classic dilemma, yes?


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