Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Everyone's Watching To See What You Will Do

Current Song: It's the theme song from Rocky. I don't know what it's called or who sings it, but it's stuck there in my head.

I'm on to another day of trying and probably failing to stay awake for the entire workday. I keep falling asleep during training and I feel like I'm missing things that are terribly important. And it's the kind of falling asleep where you don't know that you're asleep until you suddenly wake up. I am desperate for some caffeine or something and it's just not a realistic option.

Meredith came down last night and brought her kitties. I love them but I need to go to a pharmacy and buy some allergy medication pronto. Also, one of them seems to have vomited in front of the bathroom and I've decided that it's not my problem. Not what you want to wake up to, I guarantee it.

I love my job so far and I love training for it. I just wish I could stay awake.


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