Sunday, March 09, 2008

I'm Better Off Dead

Current Song: "Vegetable" -- Radiohead

I've had to make a separation between my two groups of friends. Well, actually the separation was forced on me when the group I kind of got stuck with decided to branch out and not invite me to anything anymore. So really, it's not so much that I decided to split up with them as that they decided to split up with me. Par example, they are having a(nother) party right now to which I was not invited. So I said, enough with this bullshit, and I called the party planner on it. Via facebook, because I'm a coward. But seriously, that is some low-down high school bullshit and I'm too old for it. And I'm too old to take it with gentle good humor or repressed rage, which is how I've been handling things for too long. If I'm getting ditched, I want to know and I want to know why.

This is so fucking ridiculous that I have to deal with this shit at my age and stage in life. I really need to stop hanging out with 22 year olds that still think about how popular they were in high school. Of course, this includes you, asshole, because even when I came to you crying and asked what happened you couldn't man up and apologize or make it right.

I can't tell if it's really fucking hot in here or if my fever has returned. I hate everyone I live with. I should have stayed with who I came in with.


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