Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm Afraid Of Americans

Current Song: "Walk On The Wild Side" -- Lou Reed

I'm much happier today than I was yesterday, possibly because I know I have fun with people I love on the schedule pretty much for the entire weekend.

I'm wearing a black silk headband with a bow on left center and, as bad as that sounds, it looks like it was made for me. I tried it on as a lark in H&M with Lila, and she insisted that I had to buy it because nothing will ever be as adorable as me with this headband on. I have to say, I was a little critical of it at first, but then I realized that I am goddamned adorable.

Also, I'm making major life changes in that I'm revamping my wardrobe and replacing my entire series of University of Minnesota t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts with feminine, low cut, stylish shirts that make me look like I give a rat's ass about what I look like. Because frankly, after so many years of crippling social anxiety, I'm starting to care.

I have been forbidden to go to the gym since I injured my neck and back so I am feeling particularly fat lately. However, with the diminished appetite and the laziness about going grocery shopping, this might be a problem that solves itself.


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