Sunday, October 14, 2007

That Would Be Good For Soup

Current Song: "Is It Moving Yet?" -- Dance Band

The highlight of a trip to Morris that was nothing but highlights definitely came at around 5:30 this morning. We were all crammed together in the back of the Lexus trying to get some sleep when I realized for sure that I absolutely needed to pee. Like any reasonable person, I tried opening the door. It was locked, so like any reasonable person, I unlocked it. This set off the car alarm. The horn started honking and the lights started flashing on and off, and it took us a minute to get that under control. Then I rolled out of the car, peed on somebody's house, and crawled back in. We had just gotten our giggling under control when the police showed up. Turns out that car alarm was the most exciting thing going on in Morris on a Saturday night. The cop was cool about it but he kicked us out of the car so we had to trudge back into the house where the after-party was being held. Sadly, it was colder in the house than it was in the car, and everything was dirty and the guy who owns the house is a train wreck, so we cleared out at 9 and drove back to the Cities. In other words, there was a lot happening last night.

Oh, also, I went to pee before we left this morning and there was blood in the toilet and somebody's soaking-wet trunks in the bathtub. Yeah, Morris.


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