Monday, July 16, 2007

Thinking Of Us Both Now

Current Song: "A Toast To The Happy Couple" -- The Jim Yoshii Pile-Up

I missed choir or whatever -- the singing -- yesterday because we were mistaken about the schedule, but we're attempting to go again on Sunday maybe. We walked to Lund's to buy donuts and various and sundry other items to make ourselves feel better. Susan bought this cheese that smelled revolting and then ate some of it for breakfast this morning so the common spaces of our home smelled absolutely repellent. I've never been much for bad smells. Luckily our place airs out pretty fast, and I was gone for most of the day anyway, so it all worked out.

I bought a new cell phone and it is charging right now so I haven't been able to take it for a test run. I have to say that its main selling point, besides being low-priced and, unlike my old phone, not a broken piece of shit that I inconceivably hated from the moment I laid eyes on it, is that it is a shiny red that I find delightful. By the way, the punctuation in that sentence was horrible but I didn't want to sift through my memories of English class to fix it.

I'm giving my tickets to the Fratellis to my boss. He deserves fun and I don't want to go anymore.

I almost got run down by an armored truck today when I crossed against the light. They didn't bother to slow down and I didn't bother to speed up so the narrow miss was probably for the best.


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