Sunday, April 15, 2007

Go To Sleep Now, Little Ugly

I have three papers due on Tuesday and I've written about half of one of them. I made the horrible miscalculation of taking a study break that involved channel surfing into hour 2 of the 8-hour Stephen King miniseries The Stand. Which I then watched for the next six hours.

I invited someone to the Modest Mouse concert on the 20th and now I'd kind of like to get out of that and invite someone else, and I can't think of a reasonable way to make that happen.

I think my whole homework thing would be going a lot better if I hadn't taken some Vicodin earlier and then spent several hours feeling warm and fuzzy but not particularly academic. I'm very nearly out of Vicodin which means it's about time to go back to the doctor. Maybe this time somebody will actually attempt to solve my problems instead of throwing painkillers at them. Not that I'm necessarily complaining. I've taken the proactive step of actually collecting all of my various papers documenting my medical history into a file so I can bring it in and throw it down and say here, maybe this will explain it and I can stop paying to have the same tests done every six months. This is going to end in surgery again, I guarantee it. Sometimes I hate my life.

Spring Break wasn't enough, I think we all need another vacation.


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