Sunday, March 18, 2007

Take That, White America

Since it appears that my Bonaroo dreams will be forever frustrated, I'm looking into going to Lollapalooza instead (2007 will not get over before I sit in the mud and listen to music, dammit.) The problem with Lollapalooza is that the only confirmed headliner is Pearl Jam, and it's not 1993, so I don't care anymore.

Spring Break was a bust but I'd like more vacation, please.

Here's the take-home lesson from Spring Break 2007: James Avery, the actor who played the father on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, also provided the voice of Shredder in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons. Chew that one over and see what it does to your childhood.

I just took a seven minute break to stare vacantly at the wall. I seriously can't believe I'm sick again. I really think I've been sick more frequently in the last year or so than I have for a long time. I'm having a lot of lung problems and it kind of makes me sad that I quit smoking if I was going to have respiratory problems anyway. I loved smoking. I started smoking when I was 15 because I thought it would make me look like a badass, and I was totally right. Plus it gave me something to do with my hands and an automatic opening line to talk to anyone. It's unbelievably easy to meet people when you smoke. Probably even easier now that it's banned in the bars so you all have to huddle up. Course, now that it's banned in bars, it's less useful as a tool to keep me from embarrassing myself on the dance floor ("oh, can't dance, I'm smoking and it's crowded out there.") Now I'm out there shaking my babymaker and you're trying to slink away.


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