But To Keep You Vultures Happy
Current Song: "I Don't Know How To Love Him" -- Jesus Christ Superstar
Somehow I didn't know until just this minute that the guy who played V in V for Vendetta was also Agent Smith in the Matrix?
I went to see Transformers on the spur of the moment with Jayme, Greg, and a coworker of Jayme's whose name is apparently Danny. It was action-packed, the special effects were pretty good, and Shia LeBoeuf did a great job. My major caveat is that, if you weren't a dedicated fan of the series, it's difficult to tell the robots apart. Also, the directing style relies heavily on smash cuts and abrupt close-ups which, combined with the previously mentioned problem, makes it next to impossible to tell what's happening during the fights. Also, and I'm sad to admit this, I have no idea what happened in the ending. None. But everyone else seemed to get it so I just rolled with it. Turns out it was a movie about Transformers so in the grand scheme of things it will probably be okay.
I fixed my glasses by clipping a piece of a paper clip off and threading it into the hole where the missing screw is supposed to go, the pinching the metal together like a twist-tie. I'm just that cheap. I'm spending the money on more DVDs instead.
I salvaged a small chest of drawers from the lobby when I got home from the movie. The drawers stick but it's a cute piece of furniture so I found a home for it.
Somehow I didn't know until just this minute that the guy who played V in V for Vendetta was also Agent Smith in the Matrix?
I went to see Transformers on the spur of the moment with Jayme, Greg, and a coworker of Jayme's whose name is apparently Danny. It was action-packed, the special effects were pretty good, and Shia LeBoeuf did a great job. My major caveat is that, if you weren't a dedicated fan of the series, it's difficult to tell the robots apart. Also, the directing style relies heavily on smash cuts and abrupt close-ups which, combined with the previously mentioned problem, makes it next to impossible to tell what's happening during the fights. Also, and I'm sad to admit this, I have no idea what happened in the ending. None. But everyone else seemed to get it so I just rolled with it. Turns out it was a movie about Transformers so in the grand scheme of things it will probably be okay.
I fixed my glasses by clipping a piece of a paper clip off and threading it into the hole where the missing screw is supposed to go, the pinching the metal together like a twist-tie. I'm just that cheap. I'm spending the money on more DVDs instead.
I salvaged a small chest of drawers from the lobby when I got home from the movie. The drawers stick but it's a cute piece of furniture so I found a home for it.
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