Monday, June 09, 2008

It's So Hard To Resist

Current Song: "It's All Coming Back To Me" -- Celine Dion

I have NO IDEA why this song is in my head.

Wow, just about a minute ago I started having severe chest pains. I wonder if it's related to the cervical vertebrae I twisted in February that have suddenly started hurting again? Since yesterday I've lost my ability to turn my head suddenly and I've lost a lot of range of motion, especially turning to the left and craning my neck upwards. Really, it's just what I needed.

I had a lot of depressing clients at work today. I was shadowing the Housing Counselor On Call and we had like five calls in a row of people whose houses are being foreclosed on that totally have no options. This economy sucks.

This morning I managed to wake up 15 minutes before I had to be out the door, and then I got lost on my way to the office and ended up walking for over a mile. Before 8 AM. Today kind of sucked, globally.

I think it's time for kitty snuggles times.


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